Welcome all, to Skate Moore’s new blog! For all of you roller skating junkies out there, this blog is just for you! We are truly excited to bring you engaging and exciting posts, so roll on over here once a week to read the latest and greatest.
A blog about roller skating sounds great, but you may be wondering what you should expect. Here is a list of topics we will be covering in the future, that we think you’ll really be in to!
What roller skating content you should expect:
- Current trends
- News
- Up to date happenings at Skate More
- Roller skating tips and tricks
- Gear reviews
- Most of all, our posts will get you geared up to skate and have fun!
You can also keep up with us on social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
Photo Credit: Flickr 2.0 CC via Quinn Dombrowski
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