Remember the good old days, when you could actually hug your friends? Well, just because you’re social distancing doesn’t mean you have to be lonely!
We’re open and skating safely here at Skate Moore! After the way 2020 has gone so far, we all need to have some fun and reconnect with friends—even from 6 feet away. Check out these roller skating games to try out with your friends next time you meet up at the rink.
Roller Skating Games
Freeze Skate
This roller skating game is sort of like a combination of freeze tag and musical chairs, or maybe “not it.” If you’ve ever played freeze dance, you’ll get the idea. To start out, everyone skates around, doing their favorite moves and just grooving to the music. Suddenly, the music stops. All players have to “freeze” in place, in whatever pose or position they happen to be in. (Doing this on wheels adds a new level of challenge!) Whoever freezes last, is out, and the music resumes while players continue to skate. Repeat this process until there’s only one person left … The winner!
Glide Off
This is a super fun game to play with your friends, sort of like a mini tournament. Two players start at the same place (but 6 feet apart). Each is allowed to take a certain number of strides (usually 2 or 3, depending on how much room you have) and then must glide as far as possible using only the momentum from those strides. You can battle it out this way until half the group has been eliminated, then go to the next round of eliminations. If you want to spice things up a bit, try adding a new challenge to each round, like gliding on one foot or backwards!
Follow the Leader
This game is a classic, and it’s even more fun when you play it on roller skates. To play, designate one person as the leader. This person will do a skate move (spinning, jumping, dancing, etc.) and all of the other players must copy them as closely as possible.
If you can’t reproduce the leader’s moves, you’re out! If all of the players are able to perfectly reproduce the leader’s moves, the leader loses the title and becomes a player. Another leader must be chosen, and the cycle starts all over again.
A (Kinda Sorta) Conga Line
Who doesn’t love a good conga line at a party? While grabbing each other’s waists is off limits at the moment due to social distancing guidelines, you can still have some fun with a socially-distanced line of dancers. Free-form your way around the rink, or play a line-dancing song like the Cha Cha Slide, Cupid Shuffle, Macarena, or Electric Slide and enjoy busting a move with your besties! Just remember to maintain at least 6 feet between each skater, and remember to wear your mask at all times.
Drop a comment if you play any of our roller skating games!
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