Balance is an important part of roller skating, and that can trip some people up. While skating will help improve your balance, it’s hard to get started if you can’t keep your feet! That’s why Skate Moore Skate Center has put together some tips to improve your balance while skating.
First of all, start small: stand on one foot for a few minutes, then switch to the other foot. Really, that’s it! This little exercise is surprisingly effective and can be done almost anywhere. You can stand on one foot while brushing your teeth, packing lunches, waiting on the bus, or whenever it’s safe (not while using sharp objects, please). If you’re already doing yoga, you know tree pose works on the same principle. You’ll find the muscles of your legs and core getting stronger as they work to keep you upright, which will translate directly into the skating rink.
Before you go skating, warm up a bit. Walk briskly or even jog for five to ten minutes to get your muscles warm and limber, and they’ll react better to exercise. You’ll be less prone to falling and other injuries, such as muscle strain, that way.
And of course, practice! The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it. Daily practice is your best bet, but even a few times a week will benefit your balance tremendously. Check out the open hours at Skate Moore and join us for the most fun you’ll have while also working on your athleticism!